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Copyright Case

March 11 2013 , Written by Peanut Butter Blogger Published on #Old School

Lately, in my class of technical writing, we talked a lot about copyright, intellectual property, hacking, etc. Our lecturer encouraged students to give their opinions on this topic, so I could hear a lot of different and interesting ones from my classmates. Most of them agree it is “bad” to download illegally works from artists because it can be problematic for their earnings. However, why do we have to pay while we can get them for free?” And with Internet, it's so “fast” and “easy”.
They are right. I do download songs freely on the Internet, without thinking of the artists. I know that can affect them, but these artists are usually very popular and wealthy. When I download a song of theirs, it's just like a grain of sand of a beach, that is to say, it doesn't affect them at all. I know that's not really fair and they should receive money for their works, millionnaire or not.
I also remember of the case of Megaupload. I heard it has been closed because the purpose of this website was illegal: members could post videos, musics, etc, and then others can download them for free. At the same time, the owners of the website could make money thanks to the users. If I understand well, the owners didn't own any videos, but the users did. While users were sharing their videos freely, the owners were making money from them. Back to the grain of sand that I am. I would say it was fair and normal that such a website would be closed one day or one another. Indeed, punishing the owners is fair because they made money from what they didn't own. So, it was normal to me that the queen ant was punished, and not the ants themselves. You punish an ant, another will be back.
On the other hand, I don't disapprove what Internet users do, I mean sharing their videos on the Internet. Of course, when you buy a DVD, on the box, it reads the DVD is only for private usage. However, I can't see what is wrong with sharing culture, because culture must be free.
Ending illegal websites whose owners are making money on artists' and users' back is fair. But then, there should be a certain type of partnership between the artist and the government for promoting free culture but at the same time, giving to the artist what they deserve for their work.
Nevertheless... everyone already pays their Internet connection to have access to information and culture, right?

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